Every child deserves to have access to great art. To this end, the Walworth County Arts Council has managed a long-running program to place notable works of art in the classrooms, libraries, and hallways of area K-12 schools.
Art for Children (formerly known as “The Picture Lady”) is an art loaning system where school teachers and administrators select framed reproductions for use in their buildings for the school year. At the end of each year the art work is returned to the WCAC.
Here is an opportunity for your school to enhance its art program. Each fall art prints, up to a dozen, can be borrowed from the Walworth County Arts Council collection. Accompanying the prints are folders containing information about the artist and that print.
There are almost 300 prints in the collection. They range from old masters to modern prints.
Schools have used volunteers to present the information to the children. Some art teachers use the prints to complement their teaching. The prints stay in the classroom for a month. A different print is used in the classroom the next month.
The prints stay at the school and can be rotated throughout the various grades for the entire year. In June the prints are returned to the Walworth County Arts Council.
For additional information contact Ginny Hall, 830 S. 2nd Street, Unit #6, Delavan, WI 53115-2118 or phone, (414) 728-6467